
We are the bridge between
innovators and policymake

We don’t play politics.
We pursue policy.

And we do this through Advocacy, Strategy, and Collaboration.



We strongly believe in the notion of “policy engagement,” meaning long-term advocacy that establishes our clients as the experts for policymakers to rely on for advice, council, and guidance. This ensures our clients stay above the hyper-transactional political fray, which is both remarkably costly and incredibly ineffective.



Our clients bring new ideas, technologies, and/or approaches to Washington—and unfortunately, they often find a policy apparatus that is not ready or eager to embrace new thinking. Bracy Tucker Brown engages with clients to serve as the expert in helping organizations resolve challenges in search of actionable, meaningful, and realistic strategies to advance these ideas and concepts in the policy conversation.



We know advocacy is more than dropping off fact sheets in a Capitol Hill office. In fact, Bracy Tucker Brown is recognized as an innovator in the concept of “experiential advocacy.” This style of hands-on advocacy is rooted in facilitating and managing complicated ecosystems of stakeholders who can share a vision and direction to solve a specific challenge. When these stakeholders come together, anything is possible.